anime and all that jahz
- last year i celebrated my birthday my birthday with my co-online teachers and employers somewhere in EDSA, Music 21. That's when I received my xpress music.
- also i remember i celebrated it with Randolph and Kath in SM Manila, Yellow Cab.
- And not to mention the Stranger was with me last year although he didn't know it was my birthday.
Two weeks have already passed since my 21st birthday, I know. But nada that i would let july go by without having an entry about the month-long celebration of my birthday.
- 10july, with 3-4, Ersao, P. Algue-- my advisory section gave me a Red Ribbon chocolate roll and a notebook containing greetings from them and my co-teachers. Yep, sweet. My section is sweet. They just can't help being a bother sometimes.
- 11july, with WG, CKSC-- had to work. first writing workshop of WG with me.
- ------, 1100 with 3-6, Shakey's, masangkay-- I had lunch--lunch btw was courtesy of kervin who celebrated his birthday last july 9.
- ------, 1400, SM Tayuman, treated myself with Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World.
- 13july, with 3-6 CKSC room, apostol, allan, jayson, jerome gibert, and ekstrom gave me a hand warmer. They had considered giving me a pair of room slippers but since they didn't know the size of my feet, they settled for the "stuffed-toy" which turned out to be a hand warmer.
- 15 July, Faculty--Sir Allan, Maam Llanado, Maam Mogro, Sir Buiza and I treated the faculty to lunch of spaghetti, bread and drinks. Don't forget the cake sponsored by Maam Llanado's students.
- ------, with Mama, SM Tayuman-- my mother and i had a date. i treated her to Jollibee since i got pretty stuffed up in school. we got hamburgers (i had considered taking her to tokyo tokyo but she didn't feel eating japy food). then we shopped for stocks at home.
- 21july, with 3-6 yet again--after a week since the hand warmer, ryan kyle gave me a bread key chain.
- 24july--lance andrew of 3-6 treated me to MOA--as part of his birthday gift for me or as part of his birthday celebration i don't know but then again it didn't matter. we, lance and some 3-4 students (stef, jolly, janie, grace, jd, danica, nico, jotham, jomar and wilberto) and i spent the day skating (well they skated, i just held unto the rinks railings: fortunately i didn't fall), window shopping, and getting lost in EDSA--nice experience it was. it's just that there was the guilt of responsibility that somehow spoiled the day. nonetheless it was fun.
- 28july-- a day after PGMA's last but hottest SONA ever, Sir Allan and I treated the English Department for lunch. We had Spaghetti, BBQ and drinks. Mrs. Tiu, our coordinator, supplied the brownies which i evidently appreciated--since i'm not a chocolate lover, i intake it through brownies and cakes. Sir allan and I were surprised when we received People Are People apparels from the Dept. we didn't think that our feast would have a better and more expensive reward.
Honestly, the best thing i have this year is celebrating my birthday with my whole family. it has been a while, really...after 6 years...
looking back at all these things, i feel grateful to the One who continuously lets me exerience such blessings. words aren't enough.
nothing but a piece of paper
..no matter how hard i tried i couldn't keep myself from saying i love 3-6 more than i love 3-4. i got so angry with my beloved advisory section specifically on a student who thinks he knows everything just because he's the son of a seasoned teacher.
...somethings i don't like about in students are:
1. they keep on having alibis that don't cover up their blunders.
2. they lie
3. they cheat
given that i've been a student once (and i should understand), i've never answered my teacher "ma'am it's nothing; it's a piece of paper"
by jimminy, i know what a piece of paper is and so does everybody with the minutest brain.
...just releasing the tension:
i know it's bad for me to label students, and have favoritism. when i was a student, i hated teachers who favored sections other than their own. so i know what it feels like for them...but you see, i think it doesn't matter for them if they know.
"Enough of the audacity. I would not put up with that kind of attitude."
Why can't they understand that what teachers need in times of cloudy days( figuratively) is honesty.
It's adding insult to injury.
.it's insane, absurd and stupid..
..and i couldn't help myself from blurting out: "ang yabang nyo eh. wala pa naman kayong napapatunayan. look at 3-6, i've been with them for a year and they're still humble."
...and all those things that could come out from an honest heart injured by a merciless retort.
i know you enough to expect much
a mere bagatelle

The Bread Key-Chain and Other Spongebob Stuffs
. What feeling it will be to see them going up stage one by one…the satisfaction that somehow I’ve imparted something to them…the pride that those students are not only English proficient but also noble students.
bookish bookworm

Although more of a gadget addict he was, and still is, he really treasures books and he doesn't lose the hope that his future grandchildren will rea them as their inheritance.
Thanks to him, more than just a bibliophile, i'm now a panic-book-buyer. Whenever there is a book interesting enough for me, I buy it. Even though the book isn't even relate to my course, I don't care, as long as i can afford it. Right now, I have more books than i can manage. I have bought books that i don't even touch; i have books that i don't even read.
I have 14 Shakespeare, 7 Alice Walker, 5 Tolkien, 5 LM MOntgomery and other books, I lost count. Ieven have two editions for a book.
Even my shelfari account isn't updated.
Sometimes i wonder if buying those books is worthit. But then, I hear kuya Rodel's voice, "Books are good investments."
For now, i can't say when i can stop my hand from purchasing 4books everytime I finish one--as soon as my pockets burst? But anyway, to lessen my guilt, i'm starting to read Doyle's Lost World, Conrad's Lord Jim, and Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Congratulations to me whichever book I finish first.
The Japanese Cut
I had my "japy-hair cut" the other day, thursday, 160709. The style comes with my purpose but honestly, there's more to it than that. There's more to my unscheduled haircut.
When I was in 3rd year college, I had 2 succeeding haircuts: one in July, another in August. All because I got depressed. And the story runs along the line in Taylor Swift's White Horse:
Holing on, the days dragged on...
Stupid girl, I should have known, I should have known"
The next year, I had haircuts before and after my class demonstration. Just for the sake of it? no.. I wasn't satisfied?..No...Because i was stressed.
I also used to cut my bangs when i got angry.
Getting a haircut is not my fashion statement. It's my stress reliever. instead of venting my wrath to people around me who don't have anything to do with my emotions, i cut my hair.
At least that's better than taking my own life or taking others' lives..hehe
nailing their mouths shut
I should be used to people saying things about me every now and then. My only wish is if i'm around, they should be brave enough to point my faults to me,straight to my face.
it's ok if they would be telling me my faults, my indifference, my attitude, to me...not to their friends who know no better.
why do they keep on telling things about me, about my peers, which is not their responsibility in the first place...thank you very much but it's absurd..stupid...idiotic...
why do they have to keep a blind eye. vertically challenged i am, not an idiot. are they supposed to keep on talking about me as if i'm not around.
if they're brave enough, how come they don't talk to me. how come they ask a person who's not even related to me.
if they can't do any better, why can't they just shut up and contribute to human kind's silence.
Crazy by Kenny Rogers