

The MASCKS’ presentation Du Mal Au Bien went quite well yesterday. Although there were quite a number of minor errors particularly the opening and closing of curtains, I can profess that I am satisfied with how it turned out. It wouldn’t be possible to put up such a play in a hurry as we did hadn’t we received help from the different sides of the coast. Hehe.

My advisory class has been supportive of me lately. I don’t know if they already feel what is going in my mind for quite some time. Aside from the fact that they invite me to eat out almost every afternoon without asking for anything in return (I hope...hehe), they expressed genuine enthusiasm in helping the MASCKS production. We encountered short budgets(for paint, and food) along the way but I’m glad that they didn’t desert me. They wouldn’t dare I know...hehe.

The Props team: Feliche, Marian, Kim, Heidi, Myca, Lynell, JD, Alex, Dixon, KLO, Sarah, Stephanie, Allana, Danica, Alain, Janie, Kathy, Tiffany

I witnessed how the different peer groups in my class unite to create the gigantic castle for the play. I witnessed them get dirty, splashed with paints. I saw them get irked by their bossy classmates. But after finishing the castle, and after the performance, I saw them smile, humbly yet proudly.

It broke my heart when I learned that they had to spend their money for the props. They missed their classes, sometimes their snacks. They exposed themselves to the harmful effects of the paint which in the first place is the reason they had to use to corridors of the 3rd floor of the main building. It broke my heart too when some people asked them not to listen to music, their only leisure. I felt disappointed that some turn a blind eye to my student’s sacrifices yet add up another ear to listen and criticize their noise.

I know we received different feedbacks as regards the castle. I don’t exactly know why but i can;t help but grin, thinking that our critiques could only gnash their teeth at us. There is more to that castle than what they saw, more than the offending odor of paint they could smell. As for me I can see the finger prints my advisory class embedded there as they had applied the paint using their bare hands (we did not have a sufficient supply of paint brushes).

The Silent workers: Nico, Jotham

Nico helped us in the first day we started working on the pillars. His effort wasn’t that recognized but i am glad he had the initiative to help in the time of need.
I am quite sure I gave Jotham’s name for the credit list. It was just sad his donation, 2 boxes of bottled water, wasn;t recognized. In my heart, I am sincerely thankful of him.

The performers: Grace, Jolly, Jimcen

Although they weren’t recognized as part of the major characters, these three contributed to the success of the production. I know that without them the presentation would be very different. Thanks to Grace, for showing a totally different side of her, to Jolly, for exuding confidence and grace in her performance, to Jimcen, for giving his best without asking to be appreciated.

My class in general: although some of them weren;t able to help, probably they were just busy doing something else or they couldn’t think of other ways to help us, I am still thankful that they didn;t make themselves a burden to me at the time that I felt I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.

III-5 Xyncoz

It is my fault that I doubted their loyalty. Because of an unwanted competition and issues, I hadn’t asked for their help in the preparation of the MASCKS presentation. I indeed avoided those issues, but I inflicted pain to those who sincerely wanted to help me. All I can say is sorry. I didn’t mean any harm. I realized that I should not be blind and insensitive to their willing hearts.

I am still grateful of them since all throughout the preparation, I could ask for their refuge. They made my two weeks light. They lessened the load of being a teacher by behaving a little bit properly than they used to when we first met. I regret that I appreciate their help a little bit too late. I can only promise to make it up to them. How I don;t know. But i am going to make it up. Hehe

III-6 Unitrix

My beloved class who has witnessed my tears of joy and sadness. I have been with them for two years already and the feeling doesn’t change. They make me smile. They end my day right. For the first months of this school year, I tried hard not to compare the love I feel for them and the love i feel for my advisory class. Just then I realized that there was no reason for me to avoid comparing because they cannot be compared. My love for III-4 is like a love of a mother for her real first born baby. My love for this class is like a love a friend, one out of trust tried and tested through years.

Once again, that trust was tested and we succeeded it magnificently. They were assigned to do the Chinese temple and the fountain, both were highly appreciated by the audience. Sure we encountered problems including the remaking of the fountain which at first was a flat thing made of Styrofoam only. When they heard that we were supposed to have an almost real fountain, I know they were quite disheartened because their efforts had been in vain. Still, they did not stop thinking of another idea.

The next problem we encountered was how we were supposed to make the Chinese temple stand. Bless them for their resourcefulness because before the day before the presentation ended, they were able to procure an object to support the entire material. They even agreed upon the persons who were to hold it from behind.
What makes me appreciate them more is the fact that I had not begged the whole class to help me but they did. Of course I could not put all of the III-6 students’ names in the exception list so I listed only 20 but during my period when we were supposed to create the props, all of them worked, sweated and dirtied.

I am grateful of the fact that these students weren’t even a part of my advisory class yet they exerted the effort as if they were. Like III-4, the bore the pressure that our task required of us. At the end of the day, the day of the presentation itself, they were there from the start to the end from the last minute practice down to packing up of props(to which I am especially grateful of Kervin).

My words aren’t enough as a replacement for my students’ effort, love and trust. I am not even sure if money or grades would suffice. Du Mal Au Bien wouldn’t be successful if not for my students. They materialized my dreams. They are the realization of the hidden ideas stuck in my head. To tell you the truth...i don't have any idea how to finish this blog...

Yup... No idea...

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