Friendship comes in different forms. It just so happened that ours was formed because one of us is self-centered (구준표), another is a “fourth-dimension” person (윤지후), the other is a hot and cold Casanova (서이증), and the other still, is a certified gangster (송우빈). And we clicked. You can say it was a spur of a moment thing. It’s not something that we planned. It just happened. But isn’t that what friendship is? It isn’t like a detestable food that is shoved into someone’s throat. It’s like an insignificant morsel that one chews, swallows and digests without much of a thought. It goes to the stomach and whether or not the food gives energy, one doesn’t care. He… or she is enjoying it anyway.
I have never been a sucker of friends—meaning I don’t go looking for one. I usually hate meeting and greeting people who, I know, will only stay for a few minutes in my life. I don’t want to waste my time trying to be friendly when I can spend those seconds making memories with people I treasure.
But friendship does happen in my life whether I like it to happen or not. Now I’m stuck with three other members who make my little work place quite a haven despite the fact that it isn’t the success I want.
I’ve been asking myself lately why I’m not moving forward. Why am I not trying harder to move forward when triumph is just around the corner? Somehow the answer revolves around them who are stuck in the same situation, them who can also find their piece of success within their reach. But they also choose to be jammed. Whether or not friendship is the reason, I am not sure.
Anyone may ask when this friendship started that I am having these thoughts in my head. I can give him or her the date when we all met. But I can’t give the date when we started sharing bits and pieces of ourselves. I, myself, am not so sure.
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