"Jahzeel Dionne Ybasco.
Occupation- English Professor in a private college.
Jacket- Beverly Hills & Co.
Outfit- any department store
Belt- YRYS
Bag- Grab
Shoes- Finikee"
If you're familiar with the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, you can accuse me of copying the catchphrase of the film (If you haven't seen the film, it is now the time to see it). I have seen it for the nth time and to this day, I am trying to imagine how I will look, wearing those fashionable clothes and shoes in the movie.
You can say that it has grown on me. To be more precise, I am addicted to movies featuring women wearing high heels. I have abused my VLC player playing Legally Blonde 1 and 2, 500 Days of Summer etc. I have looked into my music videos, checked the songstresses' shoes, boots, sandals, and wondered how they could dance and sing wearing those feet-suffocating things--didn't they have cramps?
Confessions of a Shopaholic is not different. It features a brunette who likes shopping for clothes, bags, and shoes. Probably she likes shopping for other things but I am not sure since I haven’t read the novels where the movie has come from. Before you have a false idea that this is a review, let me just burst your bubble-THIS IS NOT A REVIEW. Point is, she shops a great deal particularly shoes.
She has one shelf of sandals, clogs, open-toed, and closed shoes in various colors. Throughout the movie, she runs, walks, and dances with them. I can't help but admire her endurance to leg cramps. I even wonder what training she does in order for her to walk with them. There are times I think I cannot wear those heels.
But I am trying. Hard. Trying hard.
Last Christmas, Russell gave me a pair of high-heel black shoes from Finikee. To be more precise, he had asked me what I wanted and we went around looking for a good pair of shoes.
The heels are higher than my grey ones, to which I am quite shocked. Since I have had a hard time using the grey, what more can I experience with the new ones?
It has been three days now since I have started using the heels. I think I am getting used to it. I have noticed that descending the stairs is easier now. I even started running with them. My co-teachers have asked me already if I have experienced using it from home to school and back. I am afraid to try it. I still am not a Rebecca Bloomwood and I have no plans of being one (except the part where she is writer in a magazine) so I think there is no way I can use heels for that long. I can bear using it for professional reasons. Even more of a reason is I want to value the person who has given the shoes.
"Instead of having a relationship with my credit card, I now have a relationship to someone who loves me back and never declines me."
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